[DG Comics coming soon]
It's already March, and I'm just now posting a blog for the first time in 2022. Why is that? I've been producing a comic strip, The Daily Gog, for the past few years. Late last year, it occurred to me it might be the time to gather up finished strips (40) and make them available as a collection -- thus Daily Gog Comics #1 is on its way. Preparing material for the printer has kept me busy the last few months, mainly because my medieval arts training falls short when jousting the windmills of modern technology. For me, the world of pixel manipulation is not unlike handing over an egg beater to an orangutang -- he may figure out how to operate it eventually, but, in the meantime, he's going to be darn fun to watch. After months of slogging through the computer process, it looks as though the final product should be back from the printer in April 2022, appropriately arriving around April Fools Day. (I couldn't have planned it better.) Check back here or my social media accounts soon for information regarding the how-to of procuring this unique item. (Disclaimer -- the collection will contain what some may see as MAGA-bashing. Sorry. I see it as a perspective of history.) Richard